The Ashleys

Friday, October 12, 2012

Crockpotalooza Part 2

I did a recipe earlier today to link with Kelly's Korner crockpotalooza here and then I remembered a cute little blonde headed boy had asked for potato soup for dinner tonight so I thought I'd put that recipe up here since I was making it anyway. 

Usually I use raw potatoes and just chop them up and put them in the slow cooker raw but I didn't start my soup this morning because I had to go get ingredients at walmart and this was just easier.

*4 cans diced potatoes
*2 boxes fat free cream cheese
*one can condensed cheddar cheese
*skim milk
*ground black pepper (not pictured)

Slightly drain your potatoes. You don't have to get them completely dry, a little bit of that starchy water will help thicken your soup.

If you're going to cook this all day you can just throw all the ingredients in the slow cooker since I was kind of in a hurry, I just put the potatoes and cheese soup in the slow cooker.

I cut my cream cheese into cubes and put them in a sauce pan with a cup of milk to melt my cream cheese. 

Top with a ton of ground black pepper.

Then pour it in the slow cooker.

I have mine set on high for about an hour and a half, then I'll turn it down to low to keep it warm until my husband gets home from work.. This makes a cream cheese potato soup very similar to Panera's cheese soup with far far far less calories.. I top it with a little shredded cheese, bacon bits (or turkey bacon :)), and chopped shallots. 

My entire family L-O-V-E-S this soup especially the kids!

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